The 1st take on the time zone setting in Focus|Project
Even a tiny prototype project with a small audience can be home to weird ideas… or conversely, this is the type of application that really can, and should be? Sounds quite possible…!
The F|P App for Trello allows you to pick a time zone for the cases when you set a “short” due date.
This will take effect when setting due dates in the cards list, leaving the exact time unspecified:
The setting of New York, 23:59, and a London local time zone set on the system will lead to:
(Because that’s going to be the time in London then: written out in full it was May 30 2021, 11:59 PM in New York, converted to 31st of May 2021, 4:59 AM, London time.)
Important looking closing thoughts that don’t reveal anything practical
While of course I can’t be sure about this approach being useful until confirmed by users, I still made a small scale effort at bridging the time zone question taking a slightly different route than the Trello team.
It’s just what I personally felt missing, now that the their genie is out of the bottle (well done!), my app will likely not suffice without respecting the user-specific time zone setting (though this should possibly be team-specific then?), that which Trello does indeed offer.
The thing is, it’s just a result of my personal taste — at the time implementing, I believe I wasn’t aware of theirs … and well, developers can be really strange types of users :) someday maybe I’ll get to, and then spare more info about working around that.
Until then, fingers crossed it’ll be useful for someone, rather than just a throw-away prototype feature. Thanks for reading!
P.S.: well, “there may just be one thing…”
… particularly for the too keen eyed — shortly after publishing the above, I noticed certain time zones, e.g. GMT+5 doesn’t work as expected. It’s a bit of an experimental feature, but cities do seem to work — and what doesn’t, is said to be uncommon in practice, see the likely explanation is below.
Yet, you never know — please let us (me) know if these cause a practical drawback, and I’m sure with the addition of a bit of workaround code we can make your life ‘even easier’. Fingers crossed again ;)
“Etc/GMT* zones seem to be inverted”